Pratlaw. From Newnan, Peachtree City, Fayetteville and Sharpsburg: General Information about the mechanics of what hurts people and ways to prevent, compensate and help people that have been hurt.
Injury and money damages
Social Responsibility [I will
be editing this post going forward]:
be editing this post going forward]:
In our civilized society, we owe one another good faith, fair dealings,
liberty, honesty, compassion, respect, and the agreement not to interfere in
each other's pursuit of happiness
1. Criminal
Statutes: We passed them because a small portion of us can't adhere to the
code above. If one of us violates one or more of the criminal laws that person
will have to make it right to all of us by paying money and giving that
person's liberty to an appropriate extent, to the state.
Statutes: We passed them because a small portion of us can't adhere to the
code above. If one of us violates one or more of the criminal laws that person
will have to make it right to all of us by paying money and giving that
person's liberty to an appropriate extent, to the state.
2. Contracts: We like them in this country
and want them to be adhered to by the contracting parties. If one of the
parties breaches the performances owed under the agreed upon terms of the
contract that person is going to have to pay money to the other party to make
up for the breach and to finalize the contract.
and want them to be adhered to by the contracting parties. If one of the
parties breaches the performances owed under the agreed upon terms of the
contract that person is going to have to pay money to the other party to make
up for the breach and to finalize the contract.
3. Torts:
The breach of the above duties owed one to another, most commonly, negligence.
The party in breach (the tortfeasor) of a duty owned to the person harmed by
the breach, has to pay money to the victim to make the victim whole.
The breach of the above duties owed one to another, most commonly, negligence.
The party in breach (the tortfeasor) of a duty owned to the person harmed by
the breach, has to pay money to the victim to make the victim whole.
From my window negligence is broken
down into: Simple negligence - a
mistake that hurt someone; gross
negligence - a stupid act that no reasonable person would ever do; reckless negligence - an act that hurt
someone because of distraction –commanding a moving object that weighs several
tons demands focus ... texting, driving while not looking where the 2-45 tons
are moving, driving while mad and focused solely on yelling into a cellphone,
tailgating, switching lanes to try to get somewhere a minute faster, playing
chicken, trying to beat a red light, turning into on-coming traffic; wanton negligence - hurting someone
because the tortfeasor just doesn't give a damn and wanted to act like a wild
maniac; reckless with indifference to
the consequences negligence -a devil may care.
down into: Simple negligence - a
mistake that hurt someone; gross
negligence - a stupid act that no reasonable person would ever do; reckless negligence - an act that hurt
someone because of distraction –commanding a moving object that weighs several
tons demands focus ... texting, driving while not looking where the 2-45 tons
are moving, driving while mad and focused solely on yelling into a cellphone,
tailgating, switching lanes to try to get somewhere a minute faster, playing
chicken, trying to beat a red light, turning into on-coming traffic; wanton negligence - hurting someone
because the tortfeasor just doesn't give a damn and wanted to act like a wild
maniac; reckless with indifference to
the consequences negligence -a devil may care.
The tortfeasor has to pay money to make the victim whole - completely
whole because the victim can't be restored to before the injury shape, has lost
part of their life, has been forced to do things that they did not want to like
take off work, go to the doctor, etcetera ...
'via Blog this'whole because the victim can't be restored to before the injury shape, has lost
part of their life, has been forced to do things that they did not want to like
take off work, go to the doctor, etcetera ...
|http://praterattorney.com| broadcasts:
An injury can happen in an instant. Physics and Biomechanics demand that speed and weight combine to cause catastrophic results when governed by human recklessness and indifference … From car and truck accidents to dangerous unregulated or under-tested products, to animal attacks, even reckless/malicious internet trolling, the law of a civilized country demands that the victim(s) be compensated in terms of enough money to make the victim(s) whole relative to the damage done and the gross recklessness of the actions that caused the injury. It was realized even before the Law of Moses that the foundation of civilization had to be fair compensation in money damages for injury(ies) and not blood feuding and revenge. The Law of Moses expounded upon that belief and since ancient times the civilizations that have flourished have centered on just compensation for injury(ies). When an incident of injury and damage occurs, it is paramount that the people close to the injured party and the injured party if he or she is able, act quickly and decisively to pin down statements, the scene if there is one, that you take pictures of everything from every angle and every perspective, and that every statute that might be applicable to what happened is reviewed and addressed with an eye toward determining what amount of money will make the injured person whole, and in some cases, what amount of money will make an entire family, devastated by the injury, whole. Proper and complete compensation is the only closure acceptable to the victim(s) of injury due to no fault of their own. Unfortunately in today’s world of irresponsibility and blaming others or circumstances, that almost always requires a lawsuit. What to do, what to do??? Filing A Lawsuit Today, really mandated and do so immediately. Civil Procedure makes the start of litigation easy because it is the backbone of civility for it to be easy to seek to be made whole in a manner other than retribution and family feuding. But as is the case in most complicated matters, the devil is in the details. Filing a lawsuit has to be combined with through investigation, experts when needed, analysis and research. A large percentage of lawyers do not want to dedicate the time and effort involved in properly preparing a personal injury lawsuit to maximize recovery. R. Keith Prater, 770-253-7778. Maximizing a Verdict Act quickly. The most important thing to do immediately is to secure the evidence – within hours, the same day, if you or your family can do it. Take more pictures than you think you should. Get the investigating officer’s name and all the witnesses. Go to the scene and take pictures. Take pictures of the injury. And … ABOVE ALL ELSE … get a real injury lawyer, not a TV talking head – an actor representing someone you will probably never meet in person or even talk to, involved in your case. R. Keith Prater, 770-253-7778 Ask your physician questions: Treatment is critical, you must seek medical care to return to your old self as soon as possible so that your injury can be quantified in terms of permanent damage, future medical care, long term chronic problems. In several cases over the past 27 years I have had clients feel perfectly fine at the scene, and therefore, forgo going to the hospital in an ambulance — this can be a mistake. In the several cases, where the impacts were severe, injury was masked by adrenaline and the next day my client(s) felt terrible: In two instances that readily come to mind, fractured vertebrae were discovered, fractures that could have caused paralysis and even death during the night after my clients told the investigating officer that they thought they would be okay! Only trained medical professionals can tell injuries when the dazed and confused present after a collision. If you prove to be uninjured or mildly banged up, the visit is a source of evidence for both your attorney and an insurance company and the wreck can’t be used against you in the future if you are in another one. Continuity: If you are injured, and your doctor recommends treatment, then do it! It is a mistake to forego treatment and it will be used against you in the immediate claim and in the future! It is a bad mistake to end treatment before a physician tells you it has run its course. Cooperate: Your personal injury attorney will need your full and complete cooperation to get your claim maximized in terms of money – you must be totally candid and honest and remember that too many details does not exist! Write it down! All of it! R. Keith Prater, 770-253-7778 Contact the Law Offices of R. Keith Prater, P.C. to File a Personal Injury Claim @ 770-253-7778; to recover the full monetary compensation that you deserve from being injured due to no fault of your own. To schedule a consultation with your Atlanta Metro Area personal injury lawyer, call R. Keith Prater at 770-253-7778. Also, please visit our website and other blogs just by Googling “Pratlaw”.
Call Prater, Duncan & Craig today: 770-253-7778:
Brain Injury in Teens Increased Emotional Issues
This is an area often overlooked when dealing with a difficult juvenile and even adult:
LINK TO ARTICLE [click here]
Call Us Today if you have questions about whether this issue might be affecting your life or the life of a loved one or friend:
LINK TO ARTICLE [click here]
Call Us Today if you have questions about whether this issue might be affecting your life or the life of a loved one or friend:
Jury awards $5.2 million in personal injury lawsuit
Call Prater & Craig today: 770-253-7778:
Law firm says judgment one
of the largest in Parker County history
Brown Fox, a leading Dallas-based law firm, said a Parker County
jury has returned one of the largest jury verdicts in the history of Parker
County in favor of its client, Jerry Wall.
The jury awarded Wall $5.2 million in the case of Wall vs. Ingram.
The verdict is the result of Wall suffering the loss of a leg as a victim of a
wrong-way driver on Interstate 20. In October 2010, Wall was riding a
motorcycle when he was struck by a car driven by an elderly woman going the
wrong way on Interstate 20.
The wreck occurred in Hudson Oaks in the westbound lanes at exit
415. Vernelle Ingram was the driver of the Buick sedan that struck Wall and she
was the defendant in the civil case.
Following the wreck, the investigating police officer questioned
the defendant’s competency to drive, leading to the request by the Texas
Department of Public Safety that she submit to a driving test. The defendant
subsequently failed four consecutive driving tests before narrowly passing on
her fifth try.
It is uncertain what, if any, effect the large jury verdict will
have on her license or existing law. Wall withdrew his punitive damages claim
prior to closing the week-long trial. The jury found the driver of the other
vehicle liable for $5,218,000 in actual damages.
“We are extremely happy to have been able to secure this verdict
for Mr. Wall,” said Brown Fox partner Brad Kizzia. “I cannot think of a more
deserving party, and the jury obviously agreed based upon the evidence
presented, including the many witnesses who testified on his behalf. It is
hoped, probably by all who participated in the trial or listened to the
testimony, that the defendant will heed the message and give up her driver’s
Even though nothing can replace what Mr. Wall has lost as result
of the defendant’s wrong-way driving, it is not too late for her to assume
responsibility and accountability for the benefit of everyone.”
Whiplash is a serious injury that can be permanent
Here is a scientific paper presented to the Society of Automobile Engineers by the founders of a Biomechanics Research Firm: 'PAPER'
Call Prater & Craig today: 770-253-7778: To discuss your serious injury and how we can help you.
Call Prater & Craig today: 770-253-7778: To discuss your serious injury and how we can help you.
Whiplash is a serious injury
Here is a primer on low speed impact injuries presented to the Society of Automobile Engineers:
We moved our office last month to 1665 Hwy 34 E, Suite 300, Newnan, GA 30265. Yes, that address is in The Summit Professional Park. We are just west of The Healthplex - across a parking lot in the new building in the Park. We are proud to be neighbors of The Healthplex, The YMCA and The Delta Credit Union. We love it out here in Coweta County as close to Peachtree City as we are to Newnan. Call us today for an appointment if you have need of an Attorney or Lawyer:
The Craziest Tradegy I Have Heard About Since ...
... the Toyota sudden acceleration cases last year. In this case people exposed to cleaning chemicals at a McDonald's! : Woman Dies After Going To Restroom At McDonalds
Call Prater & Craig today: 770-253-7778:
Call Prater & Craig today: 770-253-7778:
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PRATER & CRAIG: 770-253-7778: Trial Lawyers For Justice
Taco Bell® | Would it kill you to say you're sorry?
|PRATLAW| broadcasts: The Beasley Allen Law Firm is one of the biggest and best Plaintiff's Law Firm in the Country. They have been tireless warriors for justice for decades. But in this case I think Taco Bell rang the bell and BA did get it wrong - their investigation found unreliable witnesses and because there were a number of them and they were apparently unrelated they decided to 'go with it' without taking extra time to investigate the matter globally. I blogged this story for a couple of reasons. First and foremost it illustrates that even the biggest law firms get it wrong sometimes. I know several large firms, small firms and solo practitioners that are the tops in their field ... but no one gets there or stays there by playing it safe and by that I mean not taking on difficult cases that are 'thinking outside of the box' and sometimes the law and the facts just refuse to align - yes it has happened to me probably a dozen times in twenty-five years, most recently in a cause of action I constructed trying to expand liability for deadbeat dads to the enablers who help them be deadbeats - but the Appellate Courts gave 'us' a roadmap for the next round ... and so it goes. Our society is better off because of law suits that have made products much more safe, the powerful wary of abusing their power, the rich respectful of those not in their class and anarchists wary of abusing rules of society - like traffic laws. The road to our safe environment has been bumpy and full of criticism for those at the front of the battle for civil society. Plaintiff's Lawyers have endured and will continue to take the withering unjust and false propaganda put out by big money machines their talking head politicians: The tide may be turning as the foundation of conservatism respects the balance of power between the three branches, mandates that the Judiciary be left to govern itself, and realizes that the citizen is above all corporations in terms of rights and remedies.
In this instance Taco Bell deserves what it is calling for ... besides I know for a fact a huge number of poor law students lunched and continue to lunch at Taco Bell. Taco Bell made my third year better - I was out of money and every dollar was scarce: I lived on Cheesy Bean Burittos from my local friendly store. Here is Taco Bell's press release asking Beasley Allen to give them a tip of the hat and an apology. I think they should.
Car Wreck: 49 million dollar verdict
What Kind Of Car Wreck Receives a 49 Million Dollar Verdict? Click on the link and you will read the causation of a wreck that just plain makes you mad as hell at the idiot that caused the life changing and life threatening injuries that led to a jury's decision to award the victim, who will never truly enjoy the award because he is too physically destroyed, 49 million dollars.
The award was large and will undoubtedly be distorted by the Insurance Industry's propaganda machine into a group of 12 insane people from that fruitcake place, California, showing why juries can't be trusted by 'normal' people. The corporate insurance mentality is bent on lying until the general public says 'uncle - enough already' we will be biased against the individual and adopt a communal mind judicial system and capitulate to free key chains and ballcaps being a just reward to we the people - we will turn away from the constitution and worship big business. To date the bombardment of propaganda has not worked. If you seek a jury of citizens to determine the proper amount of money damages to give you that will equal the misery you have endured - if you have a lawyer that knows what he is doing, you will probably come away with justice. We will supply the 'lawyering' when you supply the case.
Call Prater & Craig today: 770-253-7778: before evidence goes missing and time fogs the memory of witnesses.
The award was large and will undoubtedly be distorted by the Insurance Industry's propaganda machine into a group of 12 insane people from that fruitcake place, California, showing why juries can't be trusted by 'normal' people. The corporate insurance mentality is bent on lying until the general public says 'uncle - enough already' we will be biased against the individual and adopt a communal mind judicial system and capitulate to free key chains and ballcaps being a just reward to we the people - we will turn away from the constitution and worship big business. To date the bombardment of propaganda has not worked. If you seek a jury of citizens to determine the proper amount of money damages to give you that will equal the misery you have endured - if you have a lawyer that knows what he is doing, you will probably come away with justice. We will supply the 'lawyering' when you supply the case.
Call Prater & Craig today: 770-253-7778: before evidence goes missing and time fogs the memory of witnesses.
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