Newnan Injury: The Tragic Olympic Luger

The liability issues attendant to the young Luger who lost his life at the 2010 Olympics are discussed in this recent article by the Wall Street Journal Legal News / "click" to read : ||ARTICLE||

Setting aside for a moment who knew what and when did they know it; which in premises law includes an examination into what was open and obvious, for example the unpadded support beams were not hidden and everyone was complaining that the track was too fast; the case might come down to whether the young luger had been down the run before his fatal run. The general law is that if an injured person has been over, past, etcetera, the dangerous circumstance before the time that the injury occurred the injured person is presumed to have seen the danger and therefore either assumed the risk or stand with equal knowledge of the danger and the premises owner therefore did not have superior knowledge. And that means the case will not stand and will get thrown out of court.